Saturday, 25 August 2012


His bird is the Nighting-Gale,
Her tongue in his ear 
mixes his laughter - 
Sing Violin notes, Fiddle and Fret, 
Bow to the Sky's Falling, 
Bow to the String, 
love darts and all a-quiver, 
Silence Guides the tune you play. 
Night is blue and darkly sultry, 
Pine-needles call 
and high stars respond. 
The Goodfellow stands 
and gives Gifts, 
fair trade, a fortune in Kisses, 
and vast wealth in his Embrace. 
Warm mountains roll with 
subtle thunder, 
HoneySuckle's thick in the heat 
of this night, See Truth, 
lit-up all-sudden, 
SongBird eyes 
in Electric Light.