Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Last night/this morn, we had to format my laptop.
Due to my lassitude regarding backups,
which should be as routine as menstruating,
I have lost a lot of data. I am trying to be happy
that I've lost many photographs of Old Limerent Object.
They were very, very pretty, but bad for my health.
I'd not looked at them for a long while, but, still...
They took a long time to collect.
I knew I should have got another USB mem. stick, just for them...
Never mind, it's not like they're wedding-photos...
Just a pathetic creepy collection. So pretty...

1 comment:

  1. I love the comparison of backing up files around the same time you get your period--I won't forget that one. Duly noted.

    Last summer, my laptop DIED. It crashed and I FREAKED out.I hadn't backed up my files--all my writing. It was gone.

    I about had a heart attack and nervous breakdown.

    Fortunately, my husband is an IT tech and so he was able to access the hard drive and transfer all the files to our network drive. I love, love, love that man.

    Now, on a frequent basis (especially now that I'm working like a banshee with my editor to get my wip ready for its 2011 release) I email myself files all the time.

    I don't ever want to be in that position again. It sucked. Big time.
